
In the comedic drama series "Chameleon," four childhood friends attempt to escape from the neighborhood in Antwerp where they grew up; a neighborhood where opportunities are scarce and where many young people opt for the 'get rich fast' option of drug crime. Escaping from this proves to be not so straightforward. The flamboyant daydreamer Chris (Noa Tambwe Kabati) wants a career as an actor. But he just can't seem to break through. No matter how many setbacks he faces, Chris does not give up, just like his childhood friends Kofi (Namzoya Abdulwahid) - who wants to become a musician -, Blackson (Tama Theophore Kabeya), and Tina (Britt Hellinx). Ironically, the four call themselves 'the Chameleons,' an animal that effortlessly adapts to its surroundings.