To the Limit

"To the Limit" is the story about two brothers, Alexander and Thomas Huber, who have been testing their limits in the mountains since early childhood. Today they are known as the world's best sport and alpine climbers, shocking the world with their courage and willingness to take risks in breathtaking exploits. They are brothers, who trust their lives to each other in the mountains, but, who go their separate ways in private life; brothers, who experience conflict because of their opposite ways yet, who are as inseparable as twins; brothers searching for their limits.
They are risk-takers in the extreme.
Now Alexander and Thomas have set out to break all the records in speed climbing at the "Wall of all Walls", the El Capitan in Yosemite Valley, California.

Nominated for EUROPEAN FILM AWARD 2007
Nominated for GERMAN FILM AWARD 2008

French Version: 95min
English Version: 52 or 95min
HD Version: 95min


Bayerischer Fernsehpreis - Bavarian TV Award (2003)
  Blauer Panther
    won    Other ()

Erich Kästner Fernsehpreis für das beste deutschsprachige Kinder- und Jugendprogramm (2003)
  Erich Kästner Children's TV Award
    won    Other (For the episode "Wie ist das mit dem Tod?")